Primary Products

Southern Cypress Manufacturers Association

Source of information about cypress, its applications, uses, specifiactions.

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Redwood Inspection Service

A division of the California Redwood Association and the official grading and rules writing agency for the redwood lumber industry.

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Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau

Provides grading and grade stamping services, as well as certification for heat treated lumber.

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Oregon Forest Industries Council

Represent the interests of Oregon's forest product companies and industrial landowners in the legislative, regulatory, and political arenas

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Northwest Pulp and Paper Association

Includes general information about the pulp and paper industry.

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Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association

Provides news, inspections programs, member directory.

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National Hardwood Lumber Association

Provides inspection services, convention news and educational services.

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Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association

Offers information and resources on hardwood plywood, veneer, and engineered flooring.

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Hardwood Manufactures Association

Provides facts about U.S. hardwoods, hardwood products, U.S. hardwood forests and sustainable hardwood forestry.

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