Biomass Projects

Bioenergy: Quality of biomass feedstocks and densified solid fuels

Summary reports of recent efforts focused on describing different technologies for converting forest-derived woody biomass into boiler fuel or higher-value products:

Multi-state efforts

Northwest Advanced Biofuels Alliance (NARA) - multi-year project focused on developing a Northwest bio-based jet fuels industry

Past Reports

  • Potential Project Survey including Potential Barriers - Environmental Strategies, LLC and Northwest Environmental Business Council collaborated to inventory the biofuels and biomass projects pending in Oregon, and gathered information from individuals and organizations about permitting regulatory barriers that face new or expanding biofuels or biomass facilities in Oregon including suggesting possible solutions.
  • Woody Biomass in Oregon-Current Uses, Barriers and Opportunities for Increased Utilization, and Research Needs - The Oregon Wood Innovation Center at OSU assessed barriers and opportunities to utilization of woody biomass. The report examines implications for research via an overview of Oregon's current primary forest products manufacturing industry combined with estimates of regional biomass supply, review of recent reports related to use of woody biomass for biofuels and bio-based products, and interviews with private landowners and forest industry personnel.