Appendix 1 - Comprehensive tables

Table 1. Volume of hardwood growing stock in subregions of northern California, Oregon, and Washington.

Table 1

*Inventory not available for these species on federal lands in SW Oregon Total combined volume of these species on federal lands in SW Oregon was 449 MMCF in 1976.

Sources: NW California, all ownerships, 1981-1984 inventory, Resource Bulletin PNW-131, June 1986. Oregon non-federal land, 1985-86 survey: Resource Bulletin PNW-RB-138, September 1986; Resource Bulletin PNW-RB140, September 1986; Resource Bulletin PNW-RB-143, March 1987.
Oregon federal land, 1976 survey: Resource Bulletin PNW-72, March 1979; Resource Bulletin PNW-76, 1978; Resource Bulletin PNW-82, March 1979.
Washington, all ownerships, 1988-89 survey: Resource Bulletin PNW-RB-191.

Table 2. Green lumber recovery percentages for some northwestern and eastern hardwood species

Table 2

1Grade recovery is based on standard NHLA grades based on the poor face, not modified grades for red alder and bigleaf maple.
2Pfeiffer, J.R., and A.C. Wollin. 1954. Red alder log and lumber grading. Oregon Forest Products Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon. Report No. G-3. 21 p.
3Wollin, A.C., and J.R. Pfeiffer. 1955. Oregon maple log and lumber grading. Oregon Forest Products Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon. Report No. G-4. 21 p.
4Dickinson, F.E., and D.R. Prestemon. 1965. Tanoak log grades and lumber yield. California Agriculture Experiment Station, Berkeley, California. California Forestry and Forest Products No. 41.
5Dickinson, F.E., D.R. Prestemon, and W.A. Dost. 1965. Pacific madrone log grades and lumber yield. California Agriculture Experiment Station, Berkeley, California. California Forestry and Forest Products No. 43.
6Malcolm, F.B. 1962. California black oak—a utilization study. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin. Report No. 2237. 10 p.
7Prestemon, D.R., F.E. Dickinson, and W.A. Dost. 1965. Chinkapin log grades and lumber yield. California Agriculture Experiment Station, Berkeley, California. California Forestry and Forest Products No. 42.
8Vaughn, C.L., A.C. Wollin, K.A. McDonald, and E.H. Bulgrin. 1966. Hardwood log grades for standard lumber. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin. Research Paper FPL-63. 52 p.

Table 3. Average mechanical properties for northwestern (bold-face) and some eastern hardwood species.

Table 3

MOR—modulus of rupture: strength measurement of the load required to break a test sample.
MOE—modulus of elasticity: stiffness measurement.
COMP—compression perpendicular to grain.
Impact Bending—drop distance in in. for a 50-lb hammer to break sample.
SP. GR.—specific gravity.
1Burr oak figures from Wood Handbook (USDA Ag. Handbook #72).
